16. July 2024

Pupil meets apprentice

Every year, companies in the vicinity of the Stetten am kalten Markt school centre have the opportunity to present their company at the career-orientation event "Schüler trifft Azubi" (Pupils Meet Trainees) and to talk to pupils in learning groups 8-9 about their entry into the world of work. The special thing about it: the half-hour presentations followed by a question and answer session are given exclusively by the trainees of the respective company - a good exercise for the newcomers and an interesting contact opportunity for the pupils, as the speakers are only a few years older than themselves.

Rector Dr Christof Probst yesterday welcomed young speakers from a total of seven well-known companies in the region: from Stingel Straßenbau und Tiefbau, Löffler Hoch- und Tiefbau, Gühring KG, Sozialträger Mariaberg, Sparkasse Pfullendorf-Messkirch, Hölzlebau Braun and the manufacturer of safety technology, Primion.

"Events like these can help to break down fears of contact among students and awaken interest in the respective occupational fields," explains Probst. "The shortage of skilled workers is felt in a wide variety of industries."

The trainees inform about training paths and further training offers of their company, talk to the pupils about what requirements they need for the respective job and give an outlook on earning opportunities and career planning. Short video films show examples from the respective everyday working life and they exchange views on the motivation for the desired profession, whether it is possible to work abroad and what forms of organisation there are in the home office.

Former pupil of GMS Stetten: Julian Ruf gives an insight into the fields of activity of structural and civil engineering

The internal school event was initiated by the BO representative of the Stetten school centre, Ms Jessica Zwick, whose commitment to the profitable work between trainees and pupils Probst praised in a special way.

Jessica Zwick says a big thank you to the participating companies: "It is not a matter of course that companies take so much time for acquisition. We hope to establish this event at the school centre in the long term so that we can give the pupils first-hand practical experience."
