16. July 2024

School Centre Stetten welcomes 3 new fifth classes

This school year, 61 new learning partners in learning group 5 begin their time at the GMS in Stetten a.k.M. - this is the second time that the Orientation Level of Secondary School I has had three classes. At yesterday's enrolment ceremony, parents, relatives and learning companions gathered in the refectory of the school centre to celebrate the start of an unusual school year for their children: in learning group 5, the GMS is introducing tablet-based teaching for the first time. The learning partners have purchased their own device, in which lesson materials and tasks are processed in all subjects via the digital teaching tool "DiLer". The changed teaching culture takes into account the rapidly developing digitalisation and is intended to make the learning partners fit for the handling and procedures in the working world 4.0.

Mrs Karacan with learning group 5.1

The festivities in the hall were traditionally organised by the learning group representatives of learning group 6, in addition to the address to the new protégés by Rector Dr Christof Probst. Johannes Grom, Tilly Holdenried and Christina Sieber praised the advantages of the GMS system in their excellent speech and wished everyone much success. "You do not have to be afraid. Your learning group facilitators will always be by your side and explain everything to you little by little," Johannes emphasised. Afterwards, the learning group facilitators Ms Karacan, Ms Unger and Ms Wolfram introduced themselves and collected their learning groups for a photo in the Kubus courtyard (cover photo: Ms Unger with learning group 5.2). Johannes, Tilly and Christina handed out mini-school bags filled with grape sugar sweets as a welcome gift to the fifth graders before everyone could take a look at their new learning group rooms.

Ms Wolfram with learning group 5.3

Meanwhile, Konrektor Jürgen Lebherz explained to those present in the hall the special features of teaching and learning at a community school and gave them the opportunity to ask questions and get in touch with the teachers. Afterwards, everyone came together in a relaxed mood over coffee and cake in the foyer.

The school centre would like to thank Mrs Zwick's organising team together with the learning partners Emily Hirschberg, Maya Eichart, Lara Kaiser, Lara Steinborn, Leon Hofmann, Levi Meyer, Saskia Beck, Leonie Hipp, Olivia Kraus and Anastasia Leuter and all the cake donors for the delicious buffet!
