16. July 2024

School chaplain Martina Straub introduces: What is pastoral care in schools?

Service to people

Pastoral care in schools is a church offer for religious orientation and for a human togetherness in the living space of school. It is oriented towards the specificity and needs of the school. The Snoopyteam (2018), the Room of Silence (2022) and currently the Compassion Project (2022) developed from this.

Pastoral care in schools wants to be a place to find "sources of strength" for the personal journey of life, to be open to all.

Pastoral care in schools is to be understood as an invitation, regardless of religious affiliation. It is an offer that is directed at all those involved in school life, independently of the lessons.

Pastoral care in schools aims to accompany people in their personal questions, worries and needs - on a confidential, free basis.

The picture above shows our Snoopy team: Viola Wolf, Johanna Bertsch, Jule Grathwohl and Erik Hirschberg (from left).

About me

I have been a Catholic religion teacher at the Stetten am kalten Markt school centre since 2014. In the summer of 2018, I was officially commissioned by the Catholic Church as a school chaplain after successfully completing two years of further training. The Catholic Church also bears the costs for my pastoral work at the school centre.

Offers of the school chaplaincy

Counselling and accompaniment...
- with personal and school problems
- in personal life and crisis situations

Being an interlocutor...
When the questions of meaning, of God are addressed

Grief work and crisis intervention...
Project "Grief Backpack" - Snoopyteam
Room of Silence

Introduction and support

Helping to organise church services


Martina Straub - School Chaplain


School secretary: 07573 95190 (Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Hotz)
