16. July 2024

New pupils' club at the Stetten school centre: Maximilian's dream

Entrepreneurship is not a question of age. Since April, there has been a new leisure activity at the Stetten school centre, the Fun and games club for primary school pupils. It was not Toby Buck from the school social work department who created it, but Maximilian Steinhilber, learning partner from learning level 6.2. The new project creates an entertaining group activity for the youngest pupils, who sometimes find a one-hour lunch break a bit long, and enriches the "learning partner life" of the all-day school, because it can be a meeting place and contact point for a creative break.

Ms Ziegler asked the initiator Maximilian Steinhilber and club members Zoey Kratschmann and Lena Maier about their new start-up.

Frau Ziegler: Welcome to the interview - Max, Zoey and Lena! You have started a new project, tell us!

Maximilian: It's a fun and games club for the primary school pupils. We want to achieve a lot with it, because the primary school pupils don't have anything like that.

Ms Ziegler: How did your club come about?

Maximilian (laughs): That sounds pretty funny. I had a dream once at night that we had founded a club, and then I came to school the next morning and thought - you could really do that!

Ms Ziegler: How did you manage to win others over to your idea?

Maximilian: I asked some of them, for example Zoey or Lena, if they would like to do it. Then I explained how I imagined it and afterwards a lot of people from the study group took part!

Mrs Ziegler: When is your club time?

Zoey: Tuesdays at lunchtime in the cube.

Ms Ziegler: You have already carried out an action with the primary school pupils - what was it about and how did it go?

Zoey: The time for preparation was quite short...we introduced ourselves as club members to the primary school pupils, then we played games with them. They liked it very much, they said they could imagine it again!

Mrs Ziegler: And what club activities are you planning until the end of the school year?

Zoey: We want to continue to offer games, make healthy fruit cocktails and ice cream.

Ms Ziegler: How do you finance your expenses - you told me that you don't charge a club fee.

Zoey: For example, we pay 10 euros into our cash register ourselves, and from the money we get from selling the cocktails and ice cream, we make ourselves jumpers.

Mrs Ziegler: Do you want to continue the club next school year?

Lena: Yes, we want to keep the games and are planning more projects, for example a scavenger hunt through the school grounds.

Ms Ziegler: Are you supported by an adult or are you all alone in the planning?

Maximilian: Toby already supports us quite a bit, sees what he can do, for example, I asked if we could get a trolley from the canteen for the cocktails.

Mrs Ziegler: Do you already have a club badge?

Zoey: Not yet, it's still in preparation.

Ms Ziegler: Who are the current members apart from the three of you?

Maximilian: Lia Urban, Pia Binger, Maurice Hering, Jeremy Dillmann and Sophia Schulze as well as Tony Mainzer and Mikel Gossler. Tony is there for our best cause: because we have something cool planned, we are going to have a group breakfast! We asked Tony because his mother works at Backhaus Mahl. We get our breakfast for free, we don't have to pay anything, it's donated by his mother.

Mrs Ziegler: When dreams come true...you did a great job! We teachers are really impressed by you!

Maximilian, keep it up! Toi toi toi for the fun and games club!
