16. July 2024

More than just the defence case

As part of the career orientation at the Stetten a.k.M. school centre, the two learning groups 9 attended a three-hour lecture today about the diverse tasks and career prospects of the Bundeswehr. Lieutenant Colonel Andreas Meyer and Sergeant Major Herzog provided information about the structure of the Bundeswehr, its training courses, career opportunities and jobs in the civilian sector.

"As Germany's largest employer, the Bundeswehr not only safeguards Germany's sovereignty, but also performs tasks such as disaster relief, for example, which could be seen in the media recently during the situation in the Ahr Valley," Meyer said.

Of particular interest to prospective school leavers was an overview of the recruitment requirements for new applicants, which not only required proof of knowledge in mathematics, German and English, but also included a physical fitness test of strength, endurance and speed, as well as cultural issues and a psychological assessment as part of the overall evaluation.

At the end of the event, the learning partners had the opportunity to try out a remote-controlled explosive ordnance disposal device for themselves.
