16. July 2024

#meetme - Digital Learning at the School Centre

For three weeks now, the school centre has been closed in the home office: learning partners and learning guides organise lessons from home, swap the blackboard for a laptop, learn via the cloud and meet to exchange ideas in online meetings - school centre goes future!

Although the push into the age of digital learning came about so quickly and unpredictably due to the Corona crisis, the learning partners and learning facilitators have not been caught off guard by it at all, but have met the challenge with flying colours. The learning guides of the school centre do their best to make the lessons not only educational, but also exciting and varied. For example, in addition to weekly work plans for the written assignments in the individual subjects, the learning companions can also participate in virtual sports activities via the homepage or share photos of their activities at home and in the great outdoors.

The evaluation of a first in-house survey on learning behaviour shows that digital learning is successful. According to the survey, more than 70 percent of the learning partners achieve a desirable learning performance; only a quarter still need to improve their personal commitment. The vast majority of learning partners have a lively exchange with their learning guides and are satisfied with the scope and level of difficulty of the learning material.

Headmaster Klaus Flockerzie attributes the fact that the school centre has managed the transition into crisis mode so well not least to his "innovative, extremely committed teaching staff", who are able to favourably influence the motivation of the learning partners through a diverse online offer. When planning the teaching units, the colleagues deliberately invest a lot of time in order to be able to create an optimal learning offer.

In addition, students are also assisted with personal problems: the school social work team uses a wide variety of media to stay in contact with the students.
Apart from the almost daily "Sozi-Zoom-Meeting", there are great challenges on Instagram. Here, experiences are exchanged, tips are given and creativity is challenged along the way in order to make good use of the "Corona time".

Instagram: School Sozitoby
Weekly Challenge

For individual crisis counselling, our school social work also refers to the crisis hotline of the Sigmaringen Educational Counselling Centre. 

The latter has launched the "Listening for Families" hotline. In its Info brochurethere are other useful tips.
How to reach the "Listening" hotline
Monday-Friday: 8.30 -20:30 on 07571/7301-60
Saturdays and Sundays 6-8pm on 0176 50136769

Overall, the school centre can emerge stronger from the crisis: Learning partners and learning facilitators have become familiar with digital teaching during the grace period, which will become increasingly relevant in the coming years. The first experiences of all those involved are experienced as personal development and encourage the expansion of the school's media platform, on which a virtual library and tools for interactive learning could perhaps soon be made accessible in addition to the material exchange.

Konrektor Jürgen Lebherz heads the "task force" of the Stetten Community School and is currently holding the fort on site. In the picture, he is conducting a video meeting with the examinees from levels 9 and 10 for exam counselling.
gfe/picture: Feuerstein 
With a "zoom meeting", learning partners from LG 10 take part in English lessons with Ms Montalbano.
English lesson with Ms Hörger. The advantage of a Zoom lesson is clearly that you can ask questions directly if you don't understand something.
The virtual learning group room no longer needs a fixed location.
As part of a so-called "zoom meeting" (web conference), senior teacher Stephanie Schmitz (top right) is giving a history lesson here. 
gfe/image: School Centre 

Author: OStR'in Anne Ziegler
