16. July 2024

"Is this your dream job?" Mayor Maik Lehn welcomes the primary school classes 4 in the town hall

The primary school classes 4 visited the Stetten town hall last Tuesday together with their class teachers Annika Löffler and Yasemin Karacan and were allowed to ask the mayor questions about his work. Maik Lehn began by explaining the coats of arms of Stetten and the suburbs to the pupils in the entrance area of the impressive building before they went into the rooms of the municipal administration. "In the registry office, we were able to sit in the seats of the guests," says Lia, a primary school pupil, "and where the people get married and the witnesses sit," she adds enthusiastically.

The various offices of the town hall were visited, e.g. the treasurer, the financial administration and the public order office. The look into the safe was particularly exciting: some of them thought that there were real riches in there and had to realise that in the cashless age there are no more mountains of money slumbering in the safe. It was really fun at the residents' registration office, which was a highlight for Kim and Caitlin: "There we were shown how the name and the passport photo come when you enter the date of birth," the two are pleased to say.

At the end, pretzels and refreshments were served to everyone in the council hall, while they were allowed to ask the mayor many questions. "Mr Lehn took a lot of time for the children," reports Annika Löffler. When asked by a pupil if this was his dream job, he explained "that being there for people has always been important to him." What he really appreciates about his job is being able to interact with young and old, especially during a visit like this.

"It was really cool", the pupils think, because Mayor Lehn answered all their questions. "It was a nice and informative visit," the teachers confirm, and they plan to visit again next year.
