16. July 2024

Indoor sports day of the learning groups 8-10

Report by Selina Grüner, LG 9.1

Today, the indoor sports day of the learning levels 8, 9 and 10 took place at our school centre Stetten a.k.M.. This means that each learning group was able to choose learning partners in their own group who would compete for them as a football team. Beforehand, the groups had already thought of team names. The other learning partners watched the football matches and supported their team with shouts and applause.

At the beginning, all learning partners were welcomed. First, FC Salito played against the Sweet Snails (LG 10.1 vs. 8.2), which the Salitos won 4 to 1. Then Gruber's Elite played against the Power Capybara (LG 10.2 vs 8.1), the latter winning 3 to 1. The next match was between the Volunteers and 1st FC Kreiz 07 (LG 9.2 vs 9.1), which FC won 6 to 0. Next up was Gruber's Elite against FC Salito - FC won 4-0. Now it was 1st FC Kreiz 07's turn against the Sweet Lawn Snails and they won again hands down 10-0. Next up was Power Copybara and the Volunteers, this game went 3-1 to Power Copybara. The following game between Gruber's Elite and the Lawn Snails was won by the Elite this time with 3:1.

Tough duels - fair player behaviour

In the Salitos' second leg against the Volunteers, FC won 3-1, then FC Kreiz played Power Copybara 0-5.

After the break, the match between Elite and Volunteers was a 2-2 draw, as was Copybara against the Lawn Snails, 2-2. The next match was between FC Kreiz and the Salitos, here FC won 3-1. The next match between the Volunteers and the Turf Snails was won by the Volunteers 3-1. After Gruber's Elite lost their match against FC Kreiz (7-1), the last match was between FC Salito and Power Copybara, with Salito winning 3-1.

At the end of the exciting games, at the award ceremony, the Sweet Lawn Snails came 6th, Gruber's Elite 5th, the Volunteers 4th and in the top three places Power Copybara were happy with 3rd place, FC Salito 2nd and the winners from 1 FC Kreiz 07 1st!

The winners in 1st place