16. July 2024

At the Allensbach Wildlife and Leisure Park

Report by Salome Bosch and Janine Frommer, LG 6.2.

On Thursday, 13.07.2023, we, the learning groups 6.1 and 6.2, went on an excursion to the Allensbach Wildlife and Leisure Park together with our learning guides Mrs Unger and Mrs Wolfram. Once there, we first had to seek shelter from heavy rain in a barn. Our two guides shortened the waiting time with interesting facts about horns and antlers of wild animals or how to sedate injured deer with an anaesthetic syringe so that they can be treated. Finally we were able to leave for the guided tour along the enclosures and observe white deer, arctic wolves and bears running upright. Shortly afterwards, we went to a falconry show: besides the flight of the falcon, the falconer showed us different birds of prey, a ferret and a hunting dog.

When the bird flies towards you, you have to duck: The falconer explains a flight spectacle that is not without danger.

Afterwards, we were allowed to spend our free time in small groups in the leisure park. One or the other of us experienced something amazing: for example, a desert hawk sat next to Milaine from 6.2 on the bench! After taking some souvenir photos, we drove back to Stetten a little exhausted but in a very good mood.
