16. July 2024

God becomes man - Christmas service of the school centre

On the last day of school this calendar year, the school centre traditionally celebrated the start of the holidays with a large Christmas service in the Mauritius Church. In his sermon, Pastor Schelle emphasised the family's bond at the Christmas holidays, even if not everything always goes according to plan.
This year, a particularly large number of actors, learning partners as well as learning facilitators, participated in the ceremony, whose appealing, contemporary design motivated spontaneous applause among the student body on several occasions.

Max Maag and Marie Sauter from learning group 9.1 read out a new interpretation of a biblical psalm.
Pastor Schelle together with learning partners of learning group 9 during the performance of the hostel search.
Leonie Braun from learning group 6.1 lights the Advent wreath.
Learning groups 5 and 6 perform a Christmas carol - on the piano Ilona Nóbik-Scheel
Magnus Arnold, Mara Arnold, Benedikt Grom, Louis Rösch and Maja Reinhardt say the final blessing.

A heartfelt thank you for the worship team of school chaplain Martina Straub: Mrs Wolfram, Mrs Ruda, Mrs Montalbano, Mrs Maute and Mrs Hinger.
Special thanks for the musical arrangement to Mrs Nóbik-Scheel
And a huge thank you to all the active learning partners: Classes 3 and 4 of the primary school, learning groups 5 and 6 of the secondary school, pupil spokesman Matty Wetterer, the learning partners Max Maag, Marie Sauter, Magdalena Dreher, Max Steinhilber, Leonie Braun, Nora Petrillo, Maxi Rech, Christian Schott, Kathleen Arends, Marcel Niester, Alina Rielinger, Kyara Ackermann, Kornelia Piatek, Gabriel Pera, Anna Schneider, Magnus Arnold, Mara Arnold, Benedikt Grom, Louis Rösch, Maja Reinhardt and Julian Ruff.

We wish all those involved in school life a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
