16. July 2024

Federal Youth Games 2023

Secondary level I and II

The traditional games in the Heuberg stadium in Stetten am kalten Markt once again thrilled this year with highly motivated young athletes who were ready to perform and tried to top their personal bests. At yesterday's event, the students were able to compete in the long throw, shot put, sprint, 800-metre run, long jump and high jump. The students were divided into groups according to age, age group and discipline.

Students from both learning groups 9 and 10 were hard at work helping with set-up and dismantling. In the warm-up phase, Lina Siber and Alina Arnold from 10.1 motivated the participants with current pop songs. For the evaluation of the rankings and tables, Jule Glückler, Stefanie Ströbel, Sophie Schwanz, Anna Strölin and Sarah Nolle from learning level 10 collected all the results achieved, which will be announced soon.

Due to a sudden storm, this year's games had to be stopped prematurely. Students, teachers and helpers sought shelter in the Heuberg Stadium building. "We would like to take this opportunity to thank the sports club for allowing us to use the rooms of the club building to accommodate everyone - that was not planned," said Nadja Baldischwiler, who organised the Federal Youth Games together with Julio Becerra. "Thanks also go to the German Armed Forces, who brought us parasols."

The cancellation of the longed-for Dodgeball game "Pupils against Teachers", which always takes place at the end of the games, was particularly regretted. To shorten the waiting time during the thunderstorm, Principal Christof Probst distributed ice cream for everyone, which had been donated by the Friends on the occasion of the Federal Youth Games for the students* for the end of the games.

Simon Martin from 7.1 in top form.
Erik Stein from 9.1 doing the long throw
Women-Power: Amalie, Kira, Lisa, Emma-Celine and Selina from learning level 6 in the sprint
Men-Power: Fabian, Vincent, Clemens and Leon at short distance
Hungry for their personal best time: Sarah, Felix, Phil, Joana and Selina from learning group 9.1 sprint off.
Shot put: Gabriel from learning group 8.2 gives it his all
High jump: Sophia Nagel from learning group 8.1 did it.
Girls' 800-metre run: Lena from 6.2 and Anna with Aurora from 5.2 at the top

Primary school: Report by Dorothea Asal

At the beginning of the games, all participants were in good spirits on the sports field of the school centre and warmed up cheerfully under the guidance of Mr Becerra.

Many parents helped to measure the results. The new obstacle course task was enjoyed by many children.

The oncoming storm turned the competition into a race to the Alemannehalle to avoid getting soaking wet. Thanks to the careful supervision of Mrs Ritter and all the teachers and support staff, even the frightened little ones made it back to the classrooms unscathed. All missing scores now have to be collected by the sports teachers in class. The primary school pupils also got their ice cream at the end of the event and with it a little joy on the stormy weather...
