16. July 2024

Experiences at Wildenstein Castle

Class 3 and their teachers Renate Biselli and Maria Fröhlich, accompanied by Leif Bauer, explored Wildenstein Castle in the Danube valley today. Due to fallen trees, it was not possible to climb up the ravine, but the diversions along the hiking trails offered many aha experiences. Sightings of wild animals in the untouched landscape of the Upper Danube Nature Park caused one or the other outcry - even the rare alpine buck was discovered by a hedge!

Once at the top of the castle, Armin Hafner, Danube valley guide and expert advisor for wildlife, aroused the children's enthusiasm with a lecture and guided tour about the native lynx. Hafner has accompanied Europe's largest predatory cat since the first sighting in 2005.

Graceful big cat: the lynx is difficult to find in the wild

During the guided tour through the castle walls, a thrill of a different kind emerged when the children passed the entrance to the dungeon in the knights' hall and had to make their way into the castle courtyard via a secret passage behind the castle chapel...

"An educational and exciting excursion in the best weather and the best mood," was how Renate Biselli summed up the extraordinary school day.
