16. July 2024

Lots of fun with the Ecomobile despite the rain

Yesterday, class 3a experienced a highlight of environmental and nature education: with the Ecomobile of the Regional Council of Tübingen, the children learned about the forest as an ecosystem and were allowed to independently explore connections in the natural cycle. For the learning tour in the forest, the Ecomobile expert Sabine Reußink had previously hidden wooden forest animals that the primary school children had to find and thus already made a first exploration of the surroundings. Later, in groups of four, the children looked for small forest inhabitants such as spiders, millipedes or beetles to identify them and look at them under the microscope. The fascinating insights help to break down fears of creepy-crawlies and to understand the purpose of insects in maintaining the ecological balance.

Everything there in the smallest space: the workplaces in the Ecomobile

In addition to heated tables with 24 workstations, the Ecomobile offers a small laboratory on board with important utensils such as stereo microscopes, binoculars, collection containers, identification books and equipment for soil and water examination to give pupils their first contact with nature-related fields of activity. Finds are projected large in video sequences to convey knowledge about their nature - with green energy from solar cells on the vehicle roof.

Next Monday, on 15 May, the Ecomobile will come to the school centre once again and class 3b can join the researchers.

In the cover picture, class teacher Renate Biselli with her visibly enthusiastic pupils of class 3a.
