16. July 2024

Contagious enthusiasm - Pentecost devotion of learning groups 5-6

"Sometimes the air is out," says Pastor Schelle and lets the air squeak out of a balloon. "Instead, fear and worry take over - I don't dare do something, or how do I go on?" he continues and blows up the balloon again. "Worry takes up all the space of thought."
Then he smiles: "But now the storm of God's Spirit roars over the people, and fear runs out of steam" - which squeaks out again - "and everyone is infected with kindness and enthusiasm!"

The metaphorical meaning of the Pentecost event, when God's one language of love for people is heard through all the languages of the world, is immediately understood by the pupils. Pastor Schelle walks through the rows with the microphone and collects examples such as from Selina: "When people say I like you!", or from Nico: "When I've done something I haven't done in a long time.

Speaking one language: Nora, Laura, Zoey and Kristina take turns to recite a psalm with the plenary.

At the end of the devotion, 12 children hold bulging balloons to the front, on which the individual letters of Holy Spirit which is interpreted by Christians all over the world as a sign of Jesus' presence among people.

Ilona Nóbik-Scheel with Johannes at the organ, playing the Kindermutmachlied accompanied by guitar.

It is not only emotionally that the enthusiasm is great in today's ceremony in the Protestant church in Stetten, when at the Hallelujah all jump up or jump down at the Kindermutmachlied the enthusiasm may be shouted aloud into the church. Musically, too, the fiery jubilation of Pentecost resounds in the performances of Ilona Nóbik-Scheel on the organ, who concludes The Lord bless you and keep you as a solo performance.
