16. July 2024

Children's football day at the Stetten school centre

Children's football days have been taking place across Germany since 2011: with professional coaches, technique training sessions are held followed by a tournament, and the children's own sporting skills are expanded. The company FutureSport enables pupils of all school types to spend a day training similar to what professional footballers do, free of charge. The project is financed by businesses and companies from the region that support the schools and, for example, additionally sponsor leather balls and jerseys for the pupils.

The two learning groups 6 took part in a children's football day for the second time last Friday, 29 September, with a lot of fun and commitment, accompanied by coach Günter Rommel from Stuttgart - the two photos of the award ceremony and the jerseys were taken by Laura Micoli and Thessa Oswald from learning group 6.2. Thessa Oswald reports on the course of the game:

First, everyone sets up together and discusses things. Then they warm up and the training begins. Of course, there are also drinking breaks in between. We practise ball control and shooting. Then we choose the teams. It's yellow against red - red already scores one point. Update: 9:34 a.m. - Yellow has two points and Red one. The game is very exciting...then follows the game Yellow against White, Yellow scores two goals. Now the change: Red against White. Red scores a goal - and the game ends! Now comes the award ceremony. The placings:
Place 3 White
Place 2 Red
Place 1 Yellow

The Stetten School Centre would like to express its special thanks to a large number of sponsors whose generous support made the children's football day a great experience! Thanks to Pelcz Metallverarbeitungs GmbH for the jerseys, to Ingenieubüro Judith Fauler for the football caps, Siggi's Fahrradshop and Fahrschule Reichert for the footballs, and to the sponsors Zimmerei Hölzlebau Braun, primion Technology GmbH, Beltrona GmbH, Maler- und Lackiermeister Anderas Gees, Hotz Baumpflege, Getränke Nolle and Anton Braun Sägewerk Holzbau GmbH.
