16. July 2024

Basketball: Stetten School Centre - Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen

Sport, excitement, fun: Last Thursday, the basketball players from learning groups 7 and 8 of the Stetten school centre met worthy opponents from the Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen. Cheered on by a cheering audience from primary school and secondary school I, the Stetteners were able to win the home game. The placings:

1st place Learning Group 8 of the School Centre (cover photo)
2nd place 8th grade Liebfrauenschule
3rd place Learning group 7 of the school centre
4th place 7th grade Liebfrauenschule

2nd place: the 8th grade team of the Liebfrauenschule

3rd place: Julio Becerra together with the team of learning group 7
4th place: the basketball players from class 7 of the Liebfrauenschule

The impetus for the tournament was the sports project of Leif Bauer, who organised the basketball tournament together with sports teacher Julio Becerra and invited Mr. Winterle and Mr. Beuter from the Liebfrauenschule with the classes 8 to Stetten. Both the medals awarded and the winners' certificates, which Konrektor Jürgen Lebherz presented at the award ceremony, were Bauer's and Becerra's own designs together with learning partners Anna Nuber and Kornelia Piatek, who also designed the information posters and the overviews of the game times that were displayed in the school centre. Maximilian Halena from learning group 9.2 was second referee during the games.

Professional commitment on this day also from Anna Nuber (8.2) and Kornelia Piatek (8.2) together with Johannes Grom (5.2) in determining the scores.

The action was supported by sponsors through generous catering: Backhaus Mahl supplied 40 rolls for the tournament, Getränke Nolle donated 4 crates of drinks and the school support association provided fruit and vegetables for the rolls.
We say Thank you!
