16. July 2024

Farewell to Class 4

Report by Dorothea Asal.

Last Tuesday, 18 July, the farewell ceremony for the fourth classes took place under the direction of the class teachers Mrs Annika Löffler 4a and Mrs Yasemin Karacan 4b. The parents had skilfully arranged the seating in the refectory and had also already set up a wonderful buffet for the culinary part that followed.
After a welcome by Mrs Karacan, the brass class under the direction of Mrs Burkhart started with two cheerful pieces, there were also quite a few fourth graders in the ensemble.
It continued with the song "The Lion sleeps tonight", which offered a playful triad with a dance/movement troupe and two singing groups. Then came a rap rewritten by the teachers, also divided into different performance groups, which made for a cheeky sight with baseball caps and cool sunglasses. Even the boss, Mr. Probst, appeared in the lyrics and the refrain "D-A-N-K-E Stet-ten auf Wie-der-sehn" was so catchy that many parents and siblings could sing along. The farewell song, which was also intensively rehearsed, even moved some to tears, and the last contribution of the brass class and the encore "And when the saints", demanded by much applause, rounded off the performances.
Then Mrs Löffler introduced the presentation of the gifts and diplomas. Each child received a laminated diploma with a school stamp for successfully completing primary school and a small farewell gift lovingly wrapped by the teachers. The four parent representatives were also presented with flowers and chocolates. 
The parents' representative of class 4b gave a small speech of thanks and the two colleagues together with the secondary teachers were presented with gifts and flowers.

Joy about the beautiful recognition among the teachers: (from left to right) Christine Burkhart, Julio Becerra, Jana Lorch, Yasemin Karacan and Annika Löffler.

Then everyone was allowed to feast on the huge buffet and there were many friendly and grateful conversations over nut and pizza buns, healthy finger food and muffins. Those who wanted were also allowed to purchase a theatre beer from the Stetten Summer Theatre, Radler or non-alcoholic drinks to re-moisten throats that had become dry.
It was an all-round successful farewell, which all those who were able to witness it will remember fondly.
