16. July 2024

Our SMV - courageous on the road

Planning with punch and biscuits was the motto of the two SMV days last week, but no one had expected these results! The liaison teachers Mrs Ruda and Mrs Hörger, in cooperation with school social worker Toby Buck, had focused on the rough planning of the school year, which the learning partners not only fulfilled, but planned far beyond.

With structure, measure and purpose, they took projects already carried out in previous years, evaluated and modified them and gave them a new direction. The learning partners thought beyond the boundaries of their school and started to develop the existing projects further. For example, the St. Nicholas campaign should no longer only bring joy to their own homes, but in the future, needy children in other places should also be surprised with a visit from St. Nicholas. All by themselves, the learning partners showed empathy for their fellow human beings and created actions characterised by compassion and cohesion. This will also be a topic at the school centre in the near future, as it is on its way to becoming a "School without Racism, School with Courage". The basic ideas of this action were already taken into account in all planning groups before the project was presented. For example, the colour palette of the school jumper was expanded to make the school more colourful - in every respect. The environment was also considered and another SMV product was developed: in addition to jumpers and bottles, environmentally friendly lunch boxes made of stainless steel will soon be available for purchase.

The school community was a major concern of the planning groups and will be even more in the focus in the current school year, for example through the "puzzle action" where each member of the school community creates a puzzle piece as part of the big whole, which will then be exhibited in the school. At the planned football tournament, the school community will also work together in the style of the European Championship to ignite the fire of enthusiasm in Stetten.

The fact that something can be achieved together when each individual is valued was an experience that the student group representatives were able to experience and learn during the SMV days. It is an incredible benefit for everyone involved in school life to have such an active and innovative SMV on site.
