16. July 2024

Learning group excursion to the Wilhelma

Learning group 5.2 visited Stuttgart Zoo and Botanical Garden "Wilhelma" today in bright sunshine together with their learning group facilitators Anne Ziegler and Nadja Baldischwiler. The excursion was a reward for a full points account of good German lessons that the learning group had worked on during the school year.

Mariella Rieger and Zoe Frederick from class 5.2 report on their day at Wilhelma:

After a two-hour train ride to Stuttgart, we finally arrived at Wilhelma at around 10 am. We paid and divided into five groups. Each group was allowed to walk freely around Wilhelma and look at animals or go for a drink.

Magnificent gardens were a centre of attraction alongside the animal enclosures.

For example, there were predators, a reptile house, penguins, birds, an insect house and sloths. The feeding of the sea lions was particularly interesting for us.

Colourful underwater world in the Aquarium House.

At 3 p.m. we met at the kiosk in front of the entrance, some were allowed to buy something and then we set off for the station. After a short wait, we got on the train and only had to change trains once, then we were on our way home. Everyone enjoyed it very much!
