16. July 2024

Youth trains for Olympia - Cycling

Report by Camille Wolf, 9.2/Photos by Jule Grathwohl, 9.2.

On Friday, 5 May 2023, enthusiastic cyclists from GMS Stetten were in Münsingen for "Jugend trainiert für Olympia - Radsport". We went by bus and the bikes were in a trailer. When we arrived, we set up our paddock. The cyclists could have a look at the track and test ride it. The first group then had to line up for the start and off they went! At the start, the riders had to walk a few metres before they could jump on their mountain bikes. The course had many tight turns, small hills and different surfaces like gravel, cobblestones or grass. Later, a short rain shower came, which made the track wet and slippery and unfortunately caused several falls of the participants, but luckily all of them ended smoothly. The track dried out again quite quickly and the rain held off until we were back on the bus. Everyone put in a lot of effort that day and had also done really well.

Our driving groups from the Stetten am kalten Markt school centre were able to achieve very good places at state level: 24th place, 36th place, 24th place, 27th place, 7th place, 17th place.                                                                                                                                                    
And from the administrative district of Tübingen, our groups had achieved the following places: 3rd place, 9th place, 6th place, 8th place, 3rd place and 2nd place.                        

As a prize, everyone received a pack of spaetzle from the sponsor Albgold. A total of 24 students took part and were divided into three different age groups. Accompanying teachers were Mr. Heller and Mr. Hotz, who motivated everyone well and cheered everyone on. It was a nice day where the hobby cyclists could show what they are capable of - no matter if small or big!
