16. July 2024

We will miss you

On the last day of this eventful school year, the Stetten School Centre says goodbye to five dedicated and valued teachers who are taking other paths for professional reasons.
Trainee teacher Stefanie Schönbucher successfully completed her traineeship at the primary school this year and will start at the primary school in Neuhausen ob Eck in September.
Katja Klaiber was extremely active in the primary school for many years and always prepared her pupils excellently for the demands of secondary school. She will qualify further as a special education teacher in the next school year.
Realschule teacher Judith Bosch is moving to a Realschule in Horb am Neckar for the new school year. Her clear and well-structured way of working has been particularly successful with the entry classes of secondary level I.
Oberstudienrätin Marijke Hörger will complete a further qualification in school development at the Institute for Educational Analyses Baden-Württemberg IBBW in Stuttgart for the next two school years.
It is particularly painful for the school centre to say goodbye to Oberstudienrätin Stephanie Schmitz on maternity leave, even though the occasion is a very happy one. In the last few years, Ms Schmitz was responsible for the digitalisation and support of the IT in addition to her work as subject chairperson for German. Together with the then headmaster Klaus Flockerzie and the school management team, she advanced both the digital equipment of the school with terminal devices and the promotion of the digital competences of pupils as well as teachers and contributed significantly to the fact that the school centre was able to exist in the time of home office without major learning losses.
"Each one leaves a gap of its own kind that cannot simply be closed," said Rector Christof Probst in his farewell speech.
The school community of the Stetten School Centre wishes their colleagues all the very best and, above all, personal satisfaction in achieving their goals.
